Twenture is a server for the players, by the players! Our goal is to create the best server for you - with the features you want, the service you expect, and an experience you won't forget.
Why should I donate? Good question! A Minecraft server has many costs that many people aren't aware of. We don't mind paying these bills ourselves, but its much appreciated to show your support!
You do NOT need a PayPal account to make a purchase! Simply select the credit/debit option at checkout. for all inquiries/server owner contact.
Please note that all purchases are final and once you purchase your package you cannot be refunded. In the time of a chargeback, you will be automatically banned on our server by buycraft. Please make sure you are above the age of 18, or ask a parent before purchasing a rank or package.
Twenture is in no way affiliated with Mojang, AB. Nor should it be considered a company endorsed by Mojang, AB.
Minecraft is Β© Mojang AB 2009-2024.